We grew from about 1,700 members at the outbreak of war to
approximately 180,000 by 1943.
We served in up to 15 types of duty ranging from catering
to meteorology, transport, telephony and telegraphy, codes
and ciphers, Intelligence, Security and Operation Rooms.
Members of the WAAF were among the 1,570 ground crew who
lost their lives.
The WAAF re-formed into the WRAF in 1949, and fully
integrated into the RAF in 1994.
For more information please view the A WAAF
Bibliography link on the left of your screen, in
particular the books by Sqn Ldr Beryl Escott.
See also the RAF Museum link on the left of your
The links below may be useful but no responsibility is
taken for their content.
BBC People's War:
Fact File: WAAF http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/timeline/factfiles/nonflash/a6649932.shtml
WAAF Stories http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/categories/c1185/
Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_Auxiliary_Air_Force